University of Minnesota, June 10, 2022
Contact Information: Amanda Corris (

Philosophers for Sustainability is organizing an ongoing series of local Sustainable Practices in Philosophy Workshops for philosophical communities. With this ISHPSSB workshop, we aim to expand the practices we have refined in the philosophical community and bring them to a wider audience.

In our workshops, we facilitate discussions about how to incorporate sustainability initiatives and goals into our everyday lives as researchers and instructors. Our structured discussions provide an opportunity for participants to identify and discuss next steps toward sustainable practices, both individually and collectively.

Workshops on sustainable practices serve several aims. They create opportunities for participants to individually and collectively think through next steps toward sustainable practices in research, teaching, service, and governance. They facilitate the sharing and discussion of useful resources. They build a sense of community. They help center issues of concern to marginalized populations in academia, who are mostly also frontline populations with respect to climate change. They offer a chance to discuss and develop positions on recently developed professional guidelines. They further the mission statements of most institutions of higher learning, which often include aims of nurturing the next generation of leaders, building critical thinking skills relevant to contemporary challenges, and/or a commitment to sustainability. And they help interested participants identify each other and, in many cases, form or grow a group that can meet occasionally on a recurring basis. We also provide participants with the tools they will need to host a similar workshop in their own department, should they wish.