
Participants in ISHPSSB 2019 may apply for a grant to support travel costs, from either the National Science Foundation (grant no. 1656206) or from the ISHPSSB.  The information below is normally included in Acceptance notifications on submissions.

The deadline for both types of travel grant is 15 March 2019 and cannot be extended; incomplete applications will be rejected without consideration.

NSF Travel Grant Eligibility

  1. You must register for and participate in ISHPSSB 2019 (e.g. present a paper or poster, etc.)
  2. You must be a graduate student, independent scholar, or recent PhD graduate (i.e., within the last five years).
  3. You must be either a U.S. citizen or affiliated with a U.S. institution.
  4. The grants may be used to cover travel costs to and from the meeting only; lodging etc. is not covered.
  5. In general, only airfare from US-flag carriers can be reimbursed by this grant.

If you have questions about the NSF grant eligibility or restriction to US-flagged airlines, please contact Laura Perini:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Application for an NSF Travel Grant must be made here.

ISHPSSB Travel Grant Eligibility

  1. You must register for and participate in ISHPSSB 2019 (e.g. present a paper or poster, etc.)
  2. You must be a graduate student, independent scholar, or recent PhD graduate (i.e., within the last five years).
  3. The grants may be used to cover travel costs to and from the meeting only; lodging etc. is not covered.
  4. In general, those eligible for the NSF Travel Grant are not eligible for the ISHPSSB Travel Grant.

Download and use the application form for a ISHPSSB Graduate Student Travel Grant in either .doc (Word) or .pdf format.

ISHPSSB 2019 Contact Information

If you have remaining inquiries related to submissions and the program, please send an email to the ISHPSSB Oslo Program Committee: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.