Conference Schedule

July 13, 2005 - July 17, 2009

This is the final program order. Significant changes have been made from the preliminary program.

Conference Locations

Building Short Form
Creelman Hall Creelman
MacKinnon Building MACK
River Run Centre River Run
Rozanski Hall ROZH
3:00 PM - 8:00 PM in ROZH Concourse Registration
Concurrent with Opening Reception after 6:00 pm
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM in ROZH Concourse Opening Reception
Concurrent with latter half of registration on Wednesday July 13
Thursday, July 14, 2005
8:30 AM - 12:00 PM in ROZH Concourse Registration
8:45 AM - 9:15 AM in ROZH 101 Welcome
Welcome and opening announcements, including a brief remembrance of Ernst Mayr by Richard W. Burkhardt, Jr.
9:15 AM - 10:45 AM in ROZH 102 roundtable discussion
"Revisiting the Darwinian Revolution: In Memoriam - Ernst Mayr (I and II). Part I: Discussion of April 2005 JHB issue, Revisiting the Darwinian Revolution; Part II: Teaching the Darwinian Revolution. Cosponsored by the Education Committee."
Organizer(s): Jane Maienschein, John M. Lynch
Chair: Jane Maienschein
Discussant(s): Phillip Sloan, Robert Richards, Alan Love, Greg Radick; addressing papers by Michael Ruse, Peter Bowler, Pietro Corsi, Michael Ghiselin, Sandra Herbert, Jonathan Hodge, David Hull, James Lennox, and Betty Smocovitis, with discussion by the authors.
9:15 AM - 10:45 AM in ROZH 105 multipaper presentation
"The Evolution of Cultural Novelty (I and II)"
Organizer(s): Kenneth Reisman, William Wimsatt
Chair: Michael Trestman
Kim Sterelny, Philosophy, Australian National University
"Constraints on Cultural Adaptation"
Ben Jeffares, Philosophy, RSSS, Australian National University
"Cultural Variation and Epistemic Access"
Kenneth Reisman, Department of Philosophy, Stanford University
"When Does Cultural Selection Explain Cultural Novelty?"
9:15 AM - 10:45 AM in ROZH 107 multipaper presentation
"Parts and Wholes: Organisms, Ecosystems, and Environments"
Chair: Rasmus Winther
Angela Weil, Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Chair of Landscape Ecology
"The model of the organism in ecology: possibilities and boundaries for describing synecological units"
Ageliki Lefkaditi, Dept of Ecology, School of Biology, Aristotle University
"A Discussion on "Part Makes Whole, and Wholes Make Parts""
Brett Buchanan, Department of Philosophy, DePaul University
"A Kantian Biologist?: Jakob von Uexküll and the intersubjective life of organisms"
9:15 AM - 10:45 AM in ROZH 108 multipaper presentation
"Theory Testing and its Vicissitudes"
Chair: Richard Creath
Fiona Miller, Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, McMaster University
Jason Robert, Center for Biology and Society, Arizona State University
"Emerging Science in Genetic Testing: Toward a Better Bioethics"
Igal Dotan, Max Planck institute for the History of Science, Berlin.
"Instruments in Flux"
Jennifer Swindell, Michigan State University Department of Philosophy
"Empirically Replaying Life's Tape"
Derek Turner, Department of Philosophy, Connecticut College
"Just Another Drug? A Philosophical Assessment of Randomized, Controlled Studies of Intercessory Prayer"
9:15 AM - 10:45 AM in MACK 236 multipaper presentation
"Knowing, Interpreting and Engaging with New and Old Biocomplexities"
Organizer(s): Peter Taylor and João Arriscado Nunes
Peter Taylor, Sci Tech Values, UMass Boston
"Life course origins of chronic diseases: How to reconcile the contributions of competing epidemiological approaches"
João Arriscado Nunes, Center for Social Studies, University of Coimbra
"The(unruly) complexity of carcinogenicity, or, how Helicobacter pylori 'causes' cancer"
Maria Strecht Almeida, University of Porto, ICBAS
"Scale Shifts, Complexities and Comprehensive Knowledge: Exploring the Construction of the "Aging Erythrocyte" as a Biomedical Object"
9:15 AM - 10:45 AM in MACK 237 multipaper presentation
"English Pioneers in Heredity"
Organizer(s): Nancy Hall
Nancy Hall, University of Delaware Academic Center
"Ronald Fisher and Human Blood Groups"
Eileen Magnello, University College London
"Karl Pearson on Mendelian Genetics and his Chi-Square Tests"
James Tabery, History and Philosophy of Science, University of Pittsburgh
"R.A. Fisher, Lancelot Hogben, and the Origin(s) of Genotype-Environment Interaction"
9:15 AM - 10:45 AM in MACK 238 multipaper presentation
"Regulating Modern Biology: Public Policy and Biology after the Second World War"
Organizer(s): John Emrich
Chair: John Emrich
David Valone, College of Liberal Arts (History), Quinnipiac University
"The Politics of Mass Sterilization: Eugenics, Public Policy, and the Emergence of the Worldwide Population Control Movement"
Rana Ahmad, University of British Columbia, Department of Philosophy
"A New Approach to the Ethics and Public Policy of Biotechnology"
Jon Umerez, University of the Basque Country
"Critical assessment of the impact of ELSI programs"
John Emrich, History Dept, The George Washington University
"The First Clone War: Creating a National Recombinant DNA Policy in the United States"
10:45 AM - 11:00 AM in ROZH Concourse MORNING BREAK
Applies to sessions in MCKN and ROZ
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM in ROZH 102 roundtable discussion
"Revisiting the Darwinian Revolution: In Memoriam - Ernst Mayr (I and II). Part I: Discussion of April 2005 JHB issue, Revisiting the Darwinian Revolution; Part II: Teaching the Darwinian Revolution. Cosponsored by the Education Committee."
Organizer(s): Jane Maienschein, John M. Lynch
Chair: John M. Lynch
Discussant(s): Teaching the Darwinian Revolution. Cosponsored by the Education Committee. A workshop with John M. Lynch, Gar Allen, Sandra Herbert, Mark Largent, Mark Borello, Kim Kleinman, and Betty Smocovitis.
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM in ROZH 105 multipaper presentation
"The Evolution of Cultural Novelty (I and II)"
Organizer(s): Kenneth Reisman, William Wimsatt
Chair: Maria Kronfeldner
James Griesemer, STS, University of California, Davis
"Reproducers and the evolutionary development of culture"
Linnda Caporael, Science and Technology Studies, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
"Core Configurations that Can Think, Learn and Create"
William Wimsatt, Philosophy, University of Chicago
"Generative Entrenchment and the scaffolding of individual development and social institutions"
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM in ROZH 107 multipaper presentation
"Natural Kinds"
Thomas Reydon, Center for Philosophy and Ethics of Science, University of Hannover
"(Why) Do the life sciences need natural kinds? – And (how) could they get them?"
Todd Grantham, College of Charleston, Dept of Philosophy
"Species are not explanatory kinds"
Bill Rottschaefer, Department of Philosophy, Lewis and Clark College
"The Many Places of Knowledge in Nature: Reflections on Hilary Kornlbith’s Knowledge and its Place in Nature"
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM in ROZH 108 multipaper presentation
"Plant Pathology in Historical Perspective"
Organizer(s): Christina Matta
Chair: Lynn K. Nyhart
Christina Matta, University of Wisconsin-Madison
"The science of starvation: Anton de Bary and potato late blight"
Karen-Beth G. Scholthof, Plant Pathology & Microbiology, Texas A&M University
"Ergot: Transition from a feared poison to a valued component of the material medica in the early 19th century"
Paul Peterson, Department of Entomology, Soils, and Plant Sciences, Clemson University
"The USDA Barberry Eradication Program and the Growth of Applied Biology in the Early Twentieth Century"
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM in MACK 236 multipaper presentation
"Infections and Immunities: Historical Perspectives"
Leo Slater, Office of NIH History & NIAID
"Monkey Malaria in Memphis & Malaysia: NIAID and Malaria Eradication in the 1960s"
Susie Fisher, Natural Science, The Open University of Israel
"Just discovered, swiftly applied: Bacteriophage therapy during the early years of the 20th century in the United States"
Andrea Grignolio, Center for Philosophy and History of Science - Boston University
"Historical Reassessment of the Theoretical Genesis of Clonal Selection Theory"
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM in MACK 237 multipaper presentation
"Morphometrics, the Singular-value Decomposition, and Death Row"
Organizer(s): Werner Callebaut
Chair: Werner Callebaut
Fred Bookstein, Universities of Vienna, Michigan, and Washington
"My Unexpected Journey in Applied Biomathematics: Morphometrics, the Singular-value Decomposition, and Death Row"
Discussant(s): Werner Callebaut, Jason Scott Robert, Peter Taylor
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM in MACK 238 multipaper presentation
"Imagery in Science and Science Imagery"
Organizer(s): Jinnie Garrett
Jinnie Garrett, Biology Department, Hamilton College
"Just who do they think we are? Imagery in Advertising in Science and Nature"
Laura Landen, Philosophy, Providence College
"Picturing a Forest: Using Images to Illuminate Concepts"
Ellen Landers, James S. McDonnell Foundation
"Imaging the Brain, Imagining the Brain: The Popularity and Power of Neuroimages"
12:30 PM - 2:00 PM in MACK 132 Council Meeting I
Lunch will be catered
12:30 PM - 2:00 PM in Creelman Creelman LUNCH BREAK
3 minute walk from ROZ and MCKN
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM in ROZH 102 multipaper presentation
"Genomics and Identity Politics (I and II)"
Organizer(s): Christine Hauskeller
Chair: Christine Hauskeller
Ingrid Holme, PhD student, University of Exeter
"Sex Genetics and Personal Identity"
Kwame Anthony Appiah, Princeton University, Department of Philosophy
"‘Folk Biology and the Genetics of Race’"
Jay Aronson, Carnegie Mellon University, Department of History
"Post Conviction DNA Testing in the American Criminal Justice System"
Susan Lindee, University of Pennsylvania, Department of History and Sociology of Science
"‘Provenance and the pedigree: The Pennsylvania Amish’"
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM in ROZH 105 multipaper presentation
"Topics in Evolutionary Epistemology (I and II)"
Organizer(s): Fritz Allhoff
Chair: Fritz Allhoff
Anand Vaidya, University of California Santa Barbara, Philosophy Department
"Evolutionary Biology and the Epistemology of Metaphysical Modality"
Fritz Allhoff, Western Michigan University, Department of Philosophy
"The Justificatory Role of (Evolved) Moral Intuitions"
Ben Fraser, Philosophy Program, Research School of Social Sciences, Australian National University
"Sexual Selection and the Evolution of Moral Belief"
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM in ROZH 107 multipaper presentation
"Perspectives on Cognition and Psychology"
Chair: Barbara Herrnstein Smith
David M. Kaplan, Duke University
"The Deep Relevance of Motor Neuroscience"
Stefan Linquist, Philosophy Department, Duke University
"What are the adaptive functions of guilt and shame, or why aren't we all psychopathic?"
Yuichi Amitani, University of British Columbia
"Does Ecological Rationality Solve the rationality debate (evolutionarily)?"
L.W. McCall, Leverhulme Centre for Human Evolutionary Studies, University of Cambridge
"Expanding Evolutionary Epistemology"
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM in ROZH 108 multipaper presentation
"Concepts of Evolution: Natural Selection and Beyond"
Chair: Derek Turner
Ron Amundson, University of Hawaii at Hilo
"Charles Darwin in new eyes: an evo-devo view of his achievements"
Jason Zinser, Department of Philosophy Florida State University
"Organic, Economic and Scientific Evolution: Diagnosing the Desire to Biologize Everything"
James Maclaurin, University of Otago
"Natural Selection: Its Scope and Limits"
Delisle Richard, Department of philosophy, Université de Montréal
"Julian Huxley on Man"
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM in MACK 236 multipaper presentation
"Design as Metaphor, Ontology, Metaphysics"
Chair: Carol Cleland
Ian Ellis, Department of Philosophy, Florida State University
"A Criticism of Metaphorical Explanations of Biological Function"
Chris Zarpentine, Department of Philosophy, Florida State University
"Design and Natural Selection; or, the only good metaphor is a dead metaphor"
Dan McShea, Biology Department, Duke University
"How to Explain Complexity (Adaptive, Non-Adaptive, and Irreducible)"
Arno Wouters, Institute of Biology, Leiden University, The Netherlands
"Organization and Autonomy"
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM in MACK 237 multipaper presentation
"Aesthetic Values in Biology"
Laura Nuño de la Rosa García, Philosophy I, Complutense University of Madrid
José Luis González Recio, Philosophy I, Complutense University of Madrid
"Aesthetics inside biology: Aristotle's chisel and Kant's paintbrush"
Julio Munoz-Rubio, Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Sciences and Humanities, UNAM
"About the Darwinian Concept of Beauty"
Cor Van der Weele, Applied Philosophy Group, Wageningen University, The Netherlands
"Metaphor and the Art of Dealing with Genomics"
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM in MACK 238 multipaper presentation
Chair: Chris Eliot
James Justus, Philosophy; University of Texas, Austin
"How Should Ecological Stability be Defined?"
Viorel Pâslaru, Philosophy Dept., University of Cincinnati, and Romanian Academy
"An Analysis of Functions in Ecosystems"
3:30 PM - 4:00 PM in ROZH Concourse AFTERNOON BREAK
Applies to sessions in MCKN and ROZ
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM in ROZH 102 multipaper presentation
"Genomics and Identity Politics (I and II)"
Organizer(s): Christine Hauskeller
Chair: Christine Hauskeller
Christine Hauskeller, University of Exeter, ESRC Centre for Genomics in Society
"The Politics of Genomic Identity"
Discussant(s): 30 minute panel discussion with all speakers from session I and II followed by an open discussion
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM in ROZH 105 multipaper presentation
"Topics in Evolutionary Epistemology (I and II)"
Organizer(s): Fritz Allhoff
Chair: Anand Vaidya
Sheldon Richmond, Independent Scholar
"How does thought evolve--rationally or irrationally?"
Werner Callebaut, Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution and Cognition Research
"How Evolutionary is Evolutionary Economics?"
Kent Van Cleave, History and Philosophy of Science, IU Bloomington
"Kissing Cousins: Mental Representation and Biological Mimicry"
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM in ROZH 107 multipaper presentation
"Biology and Philosophies of Language"
Jennifer Runke, University of Calgary
"Metaphors in Biology: More than Heuristic Devices"
Jonathan Hodge, History and Philosophy of Science, University of Leeds
Gregory Radick, History and Philosophy of Science, University of Leeds
Roger White, History and Philosophy of Science, University of Leeds
"Darwin's Selection Analogies"
Mohammadreza Memarsadeghi, Department of Philosophy, University of British Columbia
"Wittgenstein and Darwin: An Essay on Evolution and Language"
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM in ROZH 108 roundtable discussion
"Meeting Report: FDISH (Future Directions of ISH) - The First ISHPSSB Off-Year Workshop"
Organizer(s): Matt Haber
Chair: Matt Haber
Discussant(s): Grant Yamashita, Melinda Fagan, Patrick Forber, Vivette Garcia-Diester, Andrew Hamilton
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM in MACK 236 multipaper presentation
Chair: Sandra Mitchell
Carla Fehr, Department of Philosophy, Iowa State University
"Mechanism and Pluralism, Concrete and Ideal"
Jacob Reimer, Conceptual and Historical Studies of Science - University of Chicago
"Reductive, Non-Mechanistic Explanations in Neurobiology"
Vivette Garcia-Deister, Philosophy Department UNAM
"Toward an integrative taxonomy of units of explanation"
Alan Love, History and Philosophy of Science, University of Pittsburgh
"The structure and import of developmental genetic explanations of evolutionary novelty"
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM in MACK 237 multipaper presentation
"Fictional Species and Model Organisms"
Sherrie Lyons, CDL Empire State College
"Of Sea Serpents and Griffins, Plesiosaurs and Protoceratops: The Meaning of Fossils Revisited"
Jessica Bolker, Department of Zoology, University of New Hampshire
"Embodying imagination: fictional species in real science"
Nicole Nelson, Science and Technology Studies, Cornell University
"Configuring the Worm: Scientists as users and designers in C elegans and Planaria research"
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM in MACK 238 multipaper presentation
"Franz Unger-Sigmund Exner- Eugen Steinach: Nature's Flexibility and Physiology's Agenda for Humanity"
Organizer(s): Veronika Hofer
Marainne Klemun, Department of History, University of Vienna
"Resources of Useful Plants and Patterns of Their Worldwide Distribution. Franz Unger's Bromatorische Linie (1857) between Humboldt's Plant Geography and the Vavilovian Gene Centres"
Veronika Hofer, Department of History, University of Vienna
"The multiple agendas of a physiologist. Sigmund Exner's reading of John Stuart Mill"
Cheryl Logan, Departments of Psychology and Biology, University of North Carolina
"The Double Gonad, die Umwelt des Keimplasmas, and the Inheritance of Acquired Characteristics"
Friday, July 15, 2005
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM in ROZH 102 multipaper presentation
"Endless Variety: Representations in Biology (I and II)"
Organizer(s): Edna Suárez
Chair: Sabine Brauckman
Ana Barahona, UNAM, Evolutionary Biology, School of Sciences
"Science and Representation: the case of genetic maps."
Edna Suárez, Evolutionary Biology, UNAM
"Representations as Thinking tools: satellite-DNA and laboratory practices"
Michel Morange, Centre Cavailles, ENS
"The role of two different but related graphs in the expansion of molecular biology between 1960 and 1980: the regulatory gene network and the intra-cellular signalling pathway"
Carol Reeves, Butler University
"Visual Rhetoric and the Prion"
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM in ROZH 105 multipaper presentation
"Mid-Twentieth-Century Biology"
Chair: Silvan S. Schweber
Astrid Juette, Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution and Cognition Research
"A neglected hormone: From the "Ectohormon" to "Pheromones""
Alistair Sponsel, Department of History, Princeton University
"Coral Reefs as Sites and Subjects of US Nuclear Weapons Testing"
Igor Abdrakhmanov, University of Hamburg, Dept of Mathematics
"DNA, Lysenko and the Institute of Biophysics"
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM in ROZH 107 multipaper presentation
"Naturalizing Teleology?"
Organizer(s): Charles T. Wolfe
Charles Wolfe, Philosophy, Boston University
"The concept of organism, a historical and conceptual critique"
Gal Kober, Philosophy, Boston University
" Teleology's New Clothes: Teleonomy and the Notion of Program"
Luciana Garbayo, Boston University, Philosophy Department
"Emergence in Theoretical Biology: The End of Teleology?"
Constantinos Mekios, Boston University
"Organisms as networks: a theoretical view of the potential and the limitations of applied systems biology"
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM in ROZH 108 multipaper presentation
"Analyzing Research Programs"
Chair: Carlos Sonnenschein
Joshua Abraham, University of Florida, Department of History
"Comparing 'Intelligent Design' and the Neo-Darwinian Synthesis as Research Programs"
Karori Mbugua, Philosophy, University of Nairobi, Kenya
"Explaining Sexual Orientation: A Lakatosian Appraisal of the Endocrine Research Program"
Adelaida Ambrogi, Universidad de las Islas Baleares, Dpt. Filosofía
"Reasons to suggest that the genetic research on cancer is a degenerative research program."
Ana Soto, Tufts University
Carlos Sonnenschein, Tufts University
"Reasons to suggest that the genetic research on cancer is a degenerative research program, Part II: SMT or TOFT: May we evaluate and decide according to Lakatos' model?"
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM in MACK 236 multipaper presentation
"Levels, Individuality, and Evolutionary Transitions"
Organizer(s): Peter Godfrey-Smith
Chair: Todd Grantham
Peter Godfrey-Smith, Philosophy, ANU and Harvard
"Local Interaction, Group Selection, and Evolutionary Transitions"
Brett Calcott, Philosophy Program, RSSS, ANU
"Selection, Variation, and Development in Major Evolutionary Transitions"
Jura Pintar, Biology, Harvard
"Strategic Genes and the Individuation of Biological Entities"
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM in MACK 237 multipaper presentation
"Population Thinking (I and II)"
Organizer(s): Tim Lewens
Tim Lewens, University of Cambridge
"Population Thinking: A Typology"
Mohan Matthen, University of British Columbia
"Population Structure"
Andre Ariew, University of Rhode Island
"Essential differences between Darwinism and neo-Darwinism"
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM in MACK 238 multipaper presentation
"Plant identification in the long 18th century"
Organizer(s): Sara Scharf
Susan McMahon, independent scholar
"Classifying in Early Modern Europe"
Alexei Kouprianov, Program 'Promoting social studies of education', European University
"J. G. Gmelin's "Flora Sibirica" (1747-1769): An early reception of the Linnaean method in Russia?"
Alexandra Cook, Dept of Philosophy, University of Hong Kong
"Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Plant Identification"
Sara Scharf, IHPST, University of Toronto
"The development of text-based techniques of plant identification in the long 18th century"
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM in ROZH Concourse MORNING BREAK
Applies to sessions in MCKN and ROZ
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM in ROZH 102 multipaper presentation
"Endless Variety: Representations in Biology (I and II)"
Organizer(s): Edna Suárez
Chair: Edna Suarez
Sabina Leonelli, Free University of Amsterdam
"Standardisation and abstraction: two ways to model Arabidopsis thaliana"
Megan Delehanty, History and Philosophy of Science, Universityof Pittsburgh
"What do we get from visual access?"
Discussant(s): Sabine Brauckman
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM in ROZH 105 multipaper presentation
"The Politics of Evolution, Race, and Reform"
Chair: Mark Largent
Matthew Dunn, History and Philosophy of Science Department, Indiana University
"Darwin on the Evolution of the Human Races"
Regina Horta Duarte, Associate Professor at the Federal University of Minas Gerai
"Biology, Anti-Darwinism and Society in the 1930’s, Brazil"
Rachel Hoffman, Concordia University
"Franz Boas, Then and Now: A Historiographical Context for Considering a Scientific Discipline"
Susan Rensing, History of Science and Technology, University of Minnesota
"‘Woman is the race’: Grassroots eugenics in nineteenth-century America"
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM in ROZH 107 multipaper presentation
"Varieties and limits of mechanistic explanation"
Organizer(s): Elihu Gerson
Stuart Glennan, Philosophy and Religion, Butler University
"Is there a mechanism of natural selection?"
William Bechtel, UC San Diego, Philosophy
"Biological Mechanisms: Organization is Key"
Carl Craver, PNP Program, Washington University, St. Louis
"Mechanisms and Natural Kinds"
Elihu Gerson, Tremont Research Institute
"Contact and communication as varieties of coupling"
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM in ROZH 108 roundtable discussion
"Roundtable Discussion: 'Son of ELSI (Ethical, Legal, and Social Impacts of Bioscience): New interactions between bioscience and the humanities and social sciences'"
Organizer(s): Karola Stotz

Discussant(s): John Dupré, Paul Griffiths, Jane Maienschein, Karola Stotz
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM in MACK 236 multipaper presentation
"Transitions and Thresholds"
Chair: Andrew Reynolds
Stéphane Tirard, Université de Nantes
"Aspects of the French botanists’ studies on the origin of life and on the limits of life at the beginning of the XXth century"
Jeremy Kirby, Department of Philosophy, Florida State University
"Aristotle and his Commentators on the Persistence of Somatic Material"
Jesús M. Siqueiros, University of the Basque Country
"Agency and the Origin of Life Cycles at the Dawn of Multicellularity"
Michael Trestman, Philosophy, UC Davis
"Developmental Polyphenism and Evolutionary Transition"
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM in MACK 237 multipaper presentation
"Population Thinking (I and II)"
Organizer(s): Tim Lewens
Christopher Stephens, University of British Columbia
"Population Thinking and Virtue Ethics"
Frederic Bouchard, Philosophy, University of Montreal
"Taking intra-generational success seriously for our understanding of fitness"
Discussant(s): Denis Walsh
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM in MACK 238 multipaper presentation
"Natural History as (A)vocation"
Organizer(s): Lynn Nyhart
Chair: Paul Farber
William Leach, History Department, Columbia University
"The Happiness of Thinking People: Butterfly Hunters in America"
Lynn Nyhart, History of Science, University of Wisconsin
"Nature domesticated? German aquarium-keeping before World War I"
Jenny Beckman, Uppsala University, Department of History of Science
"Academics as amateurs? Nature protection and the division of labour in botany"
12:30 PM - 2:00 PM in Creelman Creelman LUNCH BREAK
3 minute walk from ROZ and MCKN
Grad students elect a new student representative to the Council.
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM in ROZH 102 multipaper presentation
"Towards an Epistemology of Biological Graphs (I and II)"
Organizer(s): Sabine Brauckmann and Denis Thieffry
Chair: Richard Burian
Ariane Dröscher, Free University of Bolzano - School of Economics and Management - Philosophy of Science
"“What is a cell?”: Wilson’s pictorical answer."
Sabine Brauckmann, KLI, Altenberg (Austria)
"Fate Mapping and Gastreae's Image"
Denis Thieffry, IBDM, University of Marseille
"Graphical representation of genetic and metabolic circuitry"
Soraya de Chadarevian, University of Cambridge and MPI for the History of Science
"The aesthetics of molecular modelling - sorting out the questions."
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM in ROZH 105 multipaper presentation
"Modern Problems of Classification"
Lisa Gannett, Philosophy, Saint Mary's University, Halifax
"Tissue Tags and DNA Databases: Epistemological challenges facing population-based human genome research"
Yann Bertrand, Department of natural sviences Södertörn Högskola
"New developments in phylogenetic nomenclature, or when the inflation of specifiers threatens the freedom of systematicians"
Francisco Vergara-Silva, Department of Botany, The Natural History Museum, London, UK
"Is the Tree of Life 'real'? Empiricist systematics and the anti-realist stance"
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM in ROZH 107 multipaper presentation
"Evolution and Bioeconomics"
Organizer(s): Janet Landa and Georg Levit
Chair: Janet Landa
Igor Popov, Vienna-St. Petersburg
Georg Levit, Friedrich-Schiller-University of Jena
"Evolution on rails: Arguments for Orthogenesis in the Historical Perspective"
Robert G. B. Reid, Biology, University of Victoria
"Biological Emergences: Implications for Bioeconomics"
Janet Landa, Economics, York University
"A Bioeconomics-Public Choice Theory of Property Rights: Sago Palms as Private Property"
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM in ROZH 108 multipaper presentation
"Animal Behavior: Sociality, Altruism, and Punishment"
Chair: Marion Blute
Yasha Rohwer, History and Philosophy of Science, Florida State University
"Hierarchy Maintenance and Coalition Formation: an alternative account of the origins of punishment"
Rob Wilson, Philosophy, University of Alberta
"Conceptions of Social Organization in the Biological World"
Michael Sprague, Florida State University, Department of Philosophy
"Strategy Holism in the Theory of Games: Is altruism a spandrel?"
Joseph Olechnowicz, Florida State University
"The Origination Problem in Group Selection"
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM in MACK 236 multipaper presentation
"Trailblazing the History of Molecular Biology in the 1960s and 1970s"
Organizer(s): Doogab Yi
Chair: Nathaniel Comfort
Lisa Onaga, Science & Technology Studies, Cornell University
"Ray Wu and DNA Sequencing"
Joseph November, Princeton University
""Information Vital for the Life Scientist": Biocomputing at Stanford University, 1963-1980"
Doogab Yi, Princeton University
"The Development of Recombinant DNA Research at the Department of Biochemistry at Stanford University, 1968-1974"
Discussant(s): Nathaniel Comfort
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM in MACK 237 multipaper presentation
"Scientific Instruments in Natural History: The Case of Insect Collections (I and II)"
Organizer(s): Jean-Francois Auger and Kristin Johnson
Chair: David Hull
Pamela Henson, Smithsonian Institution
"Types, Pests, and Endangered Species: A Biography of the US National Entomological Collection"
Kristin Johnson, Center for Biology and Society, Arizona State University
"Rothschild’s Insect Collection: Moving from Private to Public Spaces"
Donald Opitz, General College, University of Minnesota
"Collecting Entomological Knowledge: Miss Balfour, the 'Specialists', and East Lothian Butterflies, 1910-1930"
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM in MACK 238 multipaper presentation
"Concepts of Cause in Biology"
Organizer(s): C. Kenneth Waters
C. Kenneth Waters, Department of Philosophy and Minnesota Center for Philosophy of Science, University of Minnesota
" Replacing the homunculi interpretation of gene causation with a manipulability interpretation"
Sandra Mitchell, History and Philosophy of Science, University of Pittsburgh
"When Modularity Fails"
Kathryn S. Plaisance, Philosophy, University of Minnesota
"Are different conceptions of cause a source of tension between behavioral genetics and developmental psychology?"
Andrew Hamilton, UC San Diego
"Causation, Stability, and Invariance: Drawing the Right Continuum"
Discussant(s): James Woodward
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM in MACK 223 multipaper presentation
"Saving Nature? Nature Protection, Ecological Restoration, and Sustainable Development"
Frederick Davis, History, Florida State University
"Animating Science through Popular Science Writing"
David Tomblin, Science and Technology Studies, Virginia Tech
"Ecological Restoration: A Theoretical Approach to the History of a Technoscience"
Donato Bergandi, Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris
"Sustainable Development and Nature Protection: Between Ethical and Political Duplicity"
3:30 PM - 4:00 PM in ROZH Concourse AFTERNOON BREAK
Applies to sessions in MCKN and ROZ
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM in ROZH 102 multipaper presentation
"Towards an Epistemology of Biological Graphs (I and II)"
Organizer(s): Sabine Brauckmann and Denis Thieffry
Chair: Richard Burian
Astrid E. Schwarz, Technical University of Darmstadt
"Maps and diagrams in ecology, its aesthetical and transformational potential"
Matthew Chew, School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University
"The (Anti-?) Aesthetics of Invasion Biology"
A. Ross Kiester, USDA Forest Service
"Aesthetics of Biological Diversity."
Discussant(s): James Griesemer
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM in ROZH 105 multipaper presentation
Alan Casselman, Department of Philosophy, Florida State University
"Teleology, Intention, and Metaphor: Understanding the Function of Evolution"
Ulrich Krohs, Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution and Cognition Research
"Applied Biology: Where Teleology Really Enters the Stage"
Marcel Quarfood, Philosophy, Södertörn University College, Huddinge, Sweden
"The Kantian Perspective on Functions"
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM in ROZH 107 multipaper presentation
"Using evolution to explain cultural phenomena"
Chair: Robert J. Richards
Grant Ramsey, Department of Philosophy, Duke University
"Why is it good to be cultured?"
Maria E. Kronfeldner, Regensburg University, Germany
"Objections against creativity as based on blind variation: selective processes, guided variation and cognitive mechanisms in creativity"
Snait B. Gissis, Cohn Institute, Tel Aviv University
"Biological heredity and cultural inheritance in the two editions of Herbert Spencer’s “The Principles of Psychology”"
Paulo Abrantes, University of Brasília, Department of Philosophy
*Charbel El-Hani, Federal University of Bahia, Institute of Biology
"Darwinism Self-Applied: Gould, Hull, and the Individuation of Scientific Theories"
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM in ROZH 108 multipaper presentation
"Intervening in Ecosystems"
Chair: Philip Pauly
David Brownstein, University of British Columbia, Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability
"More valuable than the pampered fruit trees of the orchard: British Columbia conifer seed, 1912-1940"
Margareta Bergman, Department of Historical Studies, Umeå University, Sweden
Sofia Åkerberg, Department of Animal Ecology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Umeå, Sweden
"Levels of acceptance for moose damage on forest in Sweden, 1940-2000"
Christine Keiner, STS/Public Policy Department, Rochester Institute of Technology
"The New Oyster Wars: Debating the Deliberate Introduction of Non-Native Oysters to the Chesapeake Bay"
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM in MACK 236 multipaper presentation
"Constructing and Confirming Models in Population Biology"
Organizer(s): Patrick Forber
Elisabeth Lloyd, History and Philosophy of Science, Indiana University
"What Genic Models Can't Do"
Patrick Forber, Philosophy, Stanford University
"Adaptive Landscapes and Confounding Ecology"
Michael Weisberg, University of Pennsylvania, Philosophy
"Robustness Analysis in Population Biology"
Discussant(s): William Wimsatt
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM in MACK 237 multipaper presentation
"Scientific Instruments in Natural History: The Case of Insect Collections (I and II)"
Organizer(s): Jean-François Auger and Kristin Johnson
Chair: David Hull
Jean-François Auger, Université Louis-Pasteur, Strasbourg
"The changing uses of a scientific instrument: Leon Provancher's entomological collection"
William Kimler, History, North Carolina State University
"The Hope Collection as an Ecological Tool"
Discussant(s): David Hull
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM in MACK 238 multipaper presentation
"PhyloCode, Nomenclature, Classification and Taxonomy"
Organizer(s): Matt Haber
Chair: Matt Haber
Matt Haber, UC Davis
"A Report On the First International Phylogenetic Nomenclature Society (IPNS) Meeting"
Jason Baker, Indiana University, History and Philosophy of Science
"Historical and mechanistic species concepts, and the goals of biological classification"
John Wilkins, Biohumanities Project, University of Queensland
"Natural kinds and natural groups"
This is your chance to shape the policies of the Society. PLEASE ATTEND!
Saturday, July 16, 2005
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM in ROZH 102 multipaper presentation
"Whom does Agricultural Research Serve? (I and II)"
Organizer(s): Jonathan Harwood
Chair: Garland Allen
Jonathan Harwood, Centre for History of Science, Tech. and Med., University of Manchester
"‘Europe’s Green Revolution: Peasant-Oriented Plant-Breeding in Central Europe, 1890-1945’"
Karin Matchett, Independent
"What Green Revolution?: The Failed Promise of Scientific Corn Improvement for Mexico"
Harro Maat, Technology & Agrarian Development, Wageningen University
"The Discovery of the Indonesian Rice Farmer"
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM in ROZH 105 multipaper presentation
"Racial Science and Ideologies, 1930s-1950s: Freud, Reiter, Mayr and Huxley"
Organizer(s): Eliza Slavet
Chair: Staffan Mueller-Wille
Eliza Slavet, Cultural Studies, University of California, San Diego
"Subjectively Pseudoscientific: Freud’s Racial Theory of Jewishness"
André Mineau, History and Ethics, University of Quebec at Rimouski
Gilbert Larochelle, University of Quebec at Chicoutimi
"Hans Reiter in France: The Economic Implications of Political Correctness in Science"
Brigid Hains, independent scholar, Australia
"Population biology as a way forward from racial science: Huxley and Mayr in the late 1940s"
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM in ROZH 107 multipaper presentation
"Biology, Philosophy, and the Cultural Authority of Science"
Chair: Charles Alt
Kevin Amidon, Iowa State, Dept of Foreign Languages and Literatures
"Biology contra Public Sphere: Does Habermas Really Help Us With the History of Biology?"
Kim Cuddington, Department of Biological Sciences/ Quantitative Biology Institute, Ohio State University
Beatrix Beisner, Département des sciences biologiques; Université du Québec à Montréal
"Rhetorical appeals to philosophy of science in ecology"
Melissa Lammey, Florida State University, Department of Philosophy
"Accounting for Difference Within the Scientific Community: Feminist Strategies"
Clifford Sosis, Florida State University
"Am I A Metaphysical Bigot?"
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM in MACK 236 multipaper presentation
"The Art of Observation"
Rebecca Ellis, Research Associate, IEPPP, Lancaster University
"The Joy of Pattern Recognition and the Jizz. Embodied appreciation, surveillance and conviviality: an approach to the aesthetics of biological recording in the UK"
Jason Tipton, St. John's College, Annapolis
"Aristotle and two small, ugly, insignificant fishes"
Maria Elice Brzezinski Prestes, Graduate Program on History of Science, PUC, Sao Paolo
"Methodological parameters in the work of Lazzaro Spallanzani (1729-1799)"
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM in MACK 237 multipaper presentation
"New directions in genomics"
Organizer(s): John Dupre
Chair: John Dupre
Maureen O'Malley, Egenis, University of Exeter
"Disciplinary trends in genomics: systems biology and metagenomics"
Adam Bostanci, Egenis, University of Exeter
"From human genome sequencing to human genomics"
Richard Holdsworth, Egenis, University of Exeter
"The disciplinary division of labour in behavioural genomics"
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM in MACK 238 multipaper presentation
"What is Life?"
Organizer(s): Kelly Smith
Carol Cleland, Dept of Philosophy and Center for Astrobiology, University of Colorado
"The Problem of Defining ‘Life’"
Robert Pennock, Lyman Briggs School of Science and Dept of Philosophy, Michigan State University
"Life Forms and Forms of Life: Wittgensteinian and Darwinian Insights on the Meaning of Life and ALife"
Mark Bedau, Reed College, Department of Philosophy
"How to understand the question "What is life?""
Kelly Smith, Philosophy, Clemson University
"Why ask 'What is Life?"'"
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM in ROZH Concourse MORNING BREAK
Applies to sessions in MCKN and ROZ
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM in ROZH 102 multipaper presentation
"Whom does Agricultural Research Serve? (I and II)"
Organizer(s): Jonathan Harwood
Chair: Jonathan Harwood
Stuart McCook, History Department, University of Guelph
"Pathologists and Peasants: Combatting the Coffee Rust in Costa Rica and Colombia, 1975-1990."
Stéphane Castonguay, CIEQ-UQTR
"Between the trunk and the bark : forest entomologists, the spruce budworm and the pulp and paper industry in Canada, 1909-1973"
Discussant(s): Garland Allen
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM in ROZH 105 multipaper presentation
"Witnessing microscopy"
Organizer(s): Jutta Schickore
Chair: Michael Lynch
Jutta Schickore, History and Philosophy of Science, Indiana University Bloomington
"They “saw distinctly” – and yet they were deceived: Alexander Monro, Felice Fontana, and the limits of direct witnessing"
Nancy Anderson, Université de Genève
"Divided Expertise: Biologists, a Physicist, and the Beginnings of Video Microscopy"
Aryn Martin, Department of Science & Technology Studies, Cornell University
"Counting witnesses and witnessing counts in human cytology, 1900-1956"
Discussant(s): Michael Lynch
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM in ROZH 107 multipaper presentation
"Revising the History of Genetics, 1900-1970"
Chair: Judy Johns Schloegel
Grant Yamashita, UC Davis
"Weismann, Hegner, and the germ plasm"
Marsha Richmond, Interdisciplinary Studies, Wayne State University
"“Women in Early American Genetics: The Cold Spring Harbor Department of Genetics”"
Luis Campos, Harvard University
"Mutatis Mutandis: H. J. Muller’s Revisionist History and the Meaning of "Mutation""
Erika Milam, History of Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison
"The Rare-Male Effect: Ethological Analyses of Behavior Genetics in the 1960s"
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM in MACK 236 multipaper presentation
"Individuals, Environments, and Selection"
Angela Potochnik, Stanford University
"Another Kind of Unity: The Case of Evolutionary Modeling"
Roger Sansom, Department of Philosophy, Texas A & M University
"Countering Kauffman: The natural selection of gene regulation networks"
Karla Chediak, State University of Rio de Janeiro, Philosophy Department
"The relation between individuation and evolution"
Marshall Abrams, Duke University, Center for Philosophy of Biology
"The Path Space Conception of Components of Fitness"
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM in MACK 237 multipaper presentation
"Sociobiology in International Contexts"
Andrew Yang, Liberal Arts Department, The Art Institute of Chicago
"Divergent Histories, Divergent Views? -- A Comparison of Conceptual Perspectives among Japanese and North American Evolutionary Biologists"
Sebastian Linke, EHH - Jena & IWT - University Bielefeld/ FRG
"Little Science, Big News: Relations between Scientific and Media Discourses about Sociobiology"
Batya Zalinger, Open University of Israel, Natural Sciences: The program of Biological Thought
"The Sociology of Sociobiology: An Analysis of the Ideological Aspect of the Discipline of Sociobiology according to Antonio Gramsci"
Shunkichi Matsumoto, Tokai University, Japan
"The Argumentation of Wilsonian Sociobiology Reexamined"
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM in MACK 238 multipaper presentation
"The Development of Kant’s Views on Living Organisms: Engaging Contemporary Studies of Life"
Organizer(s): Joan Steigerwald
Chair: Philippe Huneman
John Zammito, Department of History, Rice University
"Kant’s Early Views on Epigenesis: The Role of Maupertuis"
Phillip R. Sloan, History and Philosophy of Science, University of Notre Dame
"Kant on the History of Nature: The Critical Philosophy and Natural History"
Joan Steigerwald, Science and Society Program, York University
"Immanent Telology: Reorientating the Study of Life"
12:30 PM - 2:00 PM in MACK 132 Council Meeting II
Lunch will be catered
12:30 PM - 2:00 PM in ROZH Concourse LUNCH BREAK
NOTE: Creelman is not available this day and so we are switched to
Rozanski Hall (ROZ)
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM in ROZH 102 multipaper presentation
"Rebels of Life: Iconoclasts and Innovators in Biology"
Organizer(s): Michael Dietrich
Chair: Michael Dietrich
Nathaniel Comfort, Johns Hopkins University
"Rebel without a pause: the self-consciously iconoclastic career of Barbara McClintock"
Oren Harman, Bar Ilan University
"C.D. Darlington and Methodological Iconoclasm: Cytology, Genetics and Evolution, 1932-1950"
Judy Johns Schloegel, Argonne History Project, Argonne National Laboratory
"Tracy Sonneborn, Convention, and Unconventionality in Cellular Heredity"
Mark Borrello, Program in History of Science and Technology; Dept of Ecology, University of Minnesota
"Dogma, Heresy and Conversion:Wynne-Edwards' crusade and the levels of selection debate"
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM in ROZH 105 multipaper presentation
"How to See Biologically: Methods and Images"
Christiane Groeben, Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn
"“For Methods go to Naples” (1883) :The Stazione Zoologica as an Originator and Distributor of Methods and Tools"
László Nemes, University of Debrecen, Dept. of Behavioural Sciences, Hungary
"Binoculars, cameras and nature films: Some epistemological aspects of ethology"
Laura Perini, Virginia Tech
"Abstraction in biological visual representations"
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM in ROZH 107 multipaper presentation
"Perspectives on Immunology"
Organizer(s): Melinda Fagan
Hyung Wook Park, Program in the History of Science, University of Minnesota
"Germs, Hosts, and the Origin of Frank Macfarlane Burnet's Concept of "Self" and "Tolerance," 1936-1949"
Thomas Pradeu, Philosophy, Sorbonne University
"From an Immunological Point of View: the Move From ‘Self’ towards Interactionism to Define Biological Identity"
Julio Tuma, University of Chicago, Philosophy
"Developmental Sequestration, Variation, and the Vertebrate Immune System"
Melinda Fagan, History and Philosophy of Science, Indiana University
"Shared goals and interdisciplinary interactions in contemporary immunology"
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM in MACK 237 multipaper presentation
"Anomaly Analysis and Resolution in Biology"
Organizer(s): Kevin Elliott
Chair: Jutta Schickore
Kevin Elliott, Philosophy, Louisiana State University
"Anomaly Characterization and Mechanistic Explanation in Biology: A Dialectical Path Toward Discovery"
Lindley Darden, Department of Philosophy, University of Maryland, College Park
"Anomaly Identification and Resolution for the Central Dogma of Molecular Biology"
Douglas Allchin, University of Minnesota
"Anomalies in Ox-Phos: Six of One Theory, a Half-Dozen of Another"
Discussant(s): Jutta Schickore
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM in MACK 238 multipaper presentation
"Metaphor in Contemporary Biological Practice"
Chair: Scott Gilbert
Michael Bradie, Philosophy, Bowling Green State University
"The changing metaphorical landscape of contemporary developmental biology"
John Wilkinson, California Institute of Integral Studies
"The rust in the machine: A metaphoric hermeneutic of evolutionary biology texts"
Brendon Larson, Center for Population Biology, UC Davis
"The popularity of competition and progress: Results of a survey of two constitutive evolutionary metaphors"
3:30 PM - 4:00 PM in ROZH Concourse AFTERNOON BREAK
Applies to sessions in MCKN and ROZ
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM in ROZH 101 Plenary
"Plenary: Joining Scholarship and Activism"
Alice Dreger, Medical Humanities and Bioethics Program, Northwestern University
"History for the Future: Scenes from the Life of a Scholar-Activist"
Brian Wynne, University of Lancaster
"Social Studies of Biology  as Policy Action: realist imaginations?"
Richard Levins, Harvard University
"Living the 11th Thesis"
7:30 PM - 12:00 AM in River Run Canada Company Hall BANQUET
(Payment required with registration)
Sunday, July 17, 2005
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM in ROZH 105 multipaper presentation
"Genealogy, Pure Lines, and Radiation. Towards A Cultural History of Classical Genetics (I and II)"
Organizer(s): Staffan Mueller-Wille
Chair: Jonathan Harwood
Staffan Mueller-Wille, ESRC Research Centre for Genomics in Society, University of Exeter
"Between Genetics and Biometry: Franz Boas’ Concept of a ‘Family Line’, 1890-1912"
Christina Brandt, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin
"From Plant Breeding to Heredity. Clones and Pure Lines"
Bernd Gausemeier, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin
"Genealogy and human heredity in Germany around 1900"
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM in ROZH 107 multipaper presentation
"Beginnings of the agricultural sciences"
Organizer(s): Gilles Denis
Gilles Denis, Université de Lille 1
"The creation of the Bussey Institution, between the Morril Act and Harvard"
Lloyd Ackert, Yale University, History of Science and History of Medicine
"Organic Matter and the Rise of Holistic Agriculture: John Pitkin Norton and William Henry Brewer at Yale, 1840-1900"
Akihisa Setoguchi, Economics, Osaka City University
"Inventing 'Gaichu' (Insect Pests): The Emergence of Economic Entomology in Japan"
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM in ROZH 108 multipaper presentation
"Reconceptualizing Information"
Barton Moffatt, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
"“Systems Biology: An Informational Science?”"
Sören Häggqvist, Department of Philosophy, Stockholm University
"Genes, Parity, and Content"
Marion Blute, Dept. of Sociology, University of Toronto at Mississauga
"If the genome isn't a God-like ghost in the machine, then what is it?"
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM in ROZH 109 multipaper presentation
"The Molecular-Morphological Divide in Evolution"
Organizer(s): Roberta L. Millstein
Roberta L. Millstein, Department of Philosophy, California State University East Bay
"Neutralism vs Selectionism: From Snails to Molecules"
Anya Plutynski, University of Utah, Department of Philosophy
"The levels of drift debate"
Michael Dietrich, Department of Biological Sciences, Dartmouth College
"Modeling Nucleotide Substitution: Finding the Best Model for the Data in Molecular Evolution"
Robert Skipper, Philosophy, University of Cincinnati
"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Paradox of Variation"
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM in MACK 236 multipaper presentation
"Evolutionary Ethics"
Chair: Robert Pennock
John Mizzoni, Philosophy, Neumann College
"Evolution and Normative Ethics"
John Collier, School of Philosophy and Ethics, University of KwaZulu-Natal
Michael Stingl, Philosophy Department, University of Lethbridge
"Some Reasons to Believe that Naturalistic Ethics Need not be Reductionist"
Marion Hourdequin, Philosophy, Duke University
"Evolutionary Ethics Without Error"
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM in MACK 237 multipaper presentation
"Revising etiological theory of function, or adopting pluralism? (I and II)"
Organizer(s): Phillippe Huneman
Philippe Huneman, REHSEIS (CNRS, Paris, France)
"Weak realism in the etiological theory of functions?"
Françoise Longy, IHPST (CNRS), Paris and Université Marc Bloch, Strasbourg
"Etiological theories of function and functional hierarchies"
Denis Walsh, Philosophy/IHPST University of Toronto
"Function and Natural Teleology"
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM in ROZH Concourse MORNING BREAK
Applies to sessions in MCKN and ROZ
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM in ROZH 105 multipaper presentation
"Genealogy, Pure Lines, and Radiation. Towards A Cultural History of Classical Genetics (I and II)"
Organizer(s): Staffan Mueller-Wille
Chair: Jonathan Harwood
Jenny Marie, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science
"Animal Breeding and its Influence on the Identity of Genetics"
Alexander Schwerin, Abteilung für Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften, TU Braunschweig
"Towards a holistic understanding of the organism: The model organisms of German genetics in the twenties"
Discussant(s): Jonathan Harwood
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM in ROZH 107 roundtable discussion
"Perspectives and Prospects for the History of the Plant Sciences: A Roundtable Discussion"
Organizer(s): Kim Kleinman
Chair: Kim KleinmanKim Kleinman, Research Associate, Missouri Botanical Garden
"Perspectives and Prospects for the History of the Plant Sciences: One View"
Discussant(s): Karin Matchett, Christina Matta, Philip Pauly, Betty Smocovitis
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM in ROZH 108 multipaper presentation
"Reasoning about the Organic Individual in the 19th Century"
Organizer(s): Ruthanna Dyer
Chair: Michael Ghiselin
Ruthanna Dyer, Science and Technology Studies, York University
"A Question of the Organism: The colonial hydroids and 19th century Biology"
Andrew Reynolds, Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, Cape Breton University
"Ernst Haeckel’s Discovery of the Magosphaera planula; a Vestige of Metazoan Origins?"
James Elwick, York University
"Whatever Happened to ‘‘Spermatic Force’’? Analysis, Palaetiology, Victorian Biomedical Research and Young Men in a Hurry, 1845-1860"
Discussant(s): Michael Ghiselin
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM in ROZH 109 multipaper presentation
"Model search: Model systems in stem cell biology"
Organizer(s): Mary Sunderland
Chair: Jessica Bolker
Rachel Ankeny, University of Sydney, Unit for HPS
"What are Stem Cells?: The Evolution of Representations of Model Systems for Stem Cell Biology"
Lee Zwanziger, Staff, President's Council on Bioethics, and Virginia Tech STS
"Levels of models in stem cell research"
Mary Sunderland, School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University
"Translational developmental biology: Taking stem cells from the lab into the clinic"
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM in MACK 237 multipaper presentation
"Revising etiological theory of function, or adopting pluralism? (I and II)"
Organizer(s): Phillippe Huneman
Marie-Claude Lorne, Institut Jean Nicod (Paris, France)
"The etiological theory of function faces Tinbergen’s four questions"
Pieter Vermaas, Philosophy, University of Delft, Nl
Wybo Houkes, Philosophy, University of Eindhoven, Nl
"The problem of artifact functions: revising etiological theories and adopting pluralism?"