Sunday, 12 July |
Conference registration |
President's Plenary: Honoring Marjorie Grene
18:30-20:00 Dining Hall Chair: James Griesemer
Richard Burian, Jean Gayon, Betty Smocovitis
20:30 Wickham Terrace
I.1. Ecological Language Games and Concepts for Innovation
Monday, 13 July |
Monday Session I |
Boatsheds Chair: Astrid E. Schwartz
The language game “ecosystem” in ecology and beyond
Astrid Schwarz
Systems of governance and innovation: A political history of synthetic biology
Matthew Kearnes
Theories of design
Alfred Nordmann
I.2. Contested Objects: X, Y and Other Chromosomes
Riverview Chair: and Commentator Marsha Richmond
How the X and Y became the Sex Chromosomes
Sarah Richardson
‘More exciting than the back of the moon’: Human chromosome images, 1950s-1960s
Soraya de Chadarevian
Understanding Clinical Care out of Laboratory Research: Arthur Robinson’s calling to bring genetics into medicine
Daniella Perry
I.3. The Relevance of Psychological (Cognitive) Perspectives to Biology, I.
I.4. Altruism Monday/9:00-10:30
Kyle Chair: Shunkichi Matsumoto
Information and meaning assignment in living systems
Toshiyuki Nakajima
Evolutionary Functional Analysis and Its Methodological Pitfall
Shunkichi Matsumoto
Implicit and Explicit Reasoning on Species
Yuichi Amitani
Seminar 1 Chair: Grant Ramsey
Revisiting Comte to Understand Altruism better
Glenn Ewan
Altruism and the Levels of Selection
Grant Ramsey
I.5. Training and the Development of Specialty Cultures
Seminar 2 Chair: Mary Sunderland
Teaching Field Research at the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology
Mary Sunderland
Training to Collaborate: Model Systems as Multi-Specialty Research Cultures
Christopher DiTeresi
Education in an intersection: organizational contingencies shape careers and specialties
Elihu Gerson
I.6. Epistemological Integration
Coffee break
Monday Session II
Kings College Chapel Chair: Ingo Brigandt
Toward an Epistemology of Explanatory Integration in Biology
Ingo Brigandt
Unacceptable Explanations in Biology
Greg Frost-Arnold
A causal reformulation of statisticalist pluralism
Marshall Abrams
Wickham Terrace
II.1. Emergence, Essentialism, and Natural Kinds
Chair: Sandra Mitchell
Riverview Chair: Richard Creath
The Role of History in Science
Richard Creath
One Long Argument is Taking One Long Time: Lessons from Thomas Huxley in the Current Debates Over the Teaching of Evolution
Sherrie Lyons
From Darwin to Davidson: Episodes in the History of a Mechanistic Theory of Evolution and Development
Manfred Laublicher
Emergence: Logical, Functional and Dynamical Accounts
Sandra Mitchell
Emergence, Levels and Distributed Causal Explanations
Jonathan Davies
Essentialism and natural kinds in biology
John S. Wilkins
II.2. History of Biology from a Long Durée Perspective
II.3. The Relevance of Psychological (Cognitive) Perspectives to Biology, II Monday/11:00-12:30 Kyle Chair: Shunkichi Matsumoto
Where is evolutionary psychology heading?
Hisashi Nakao
Bounds of Agential Systems
Sean Keating
Philosophical Interpretations of Mirror Neuron Research
Laura Landen
II.4. Realist and Functionalist Issues in Biology, I
Seminar 1 Chair: Matt Bateman
The Role of Predictive Techniques in Functional Neuroimaging
Matt Bateman
Landscapes in theoretical biology: how to say mathematics with images
Sara Franceschelli
Making Meaning of Mathematics: Computer Technology in Systematics and Taxonomy
Beckett Sterner
II.5. Information and Function
Seminar 2 Chair: Alan Love
Investigating Biological Information With Noise
Alan Love
Choosing an Account of Teleofunctions: A Look at Recent Arguments From the Systematic Account
Nicolas Frank
Mechanism, computation, and explanation in cognitive neuroscience
David Kaplan
II.6. The Sociality of Biology
Lunch break
Kings College Chapel Chair: Michelle Jamieson
Inheriting Epigenetics
Noela Davis
Tolerance: On the origin of the immunological self
Michelle Jamieson
Plastic perceptions: ‘If the brain is like Play-Doh, how is it that we remain ourselves?’*
Florence Chiew
Dining Hall
Graduate Student Meeting
13:30-14:30 Riverview Chair: Don Goodman-Wilson
All graduate students are welcome and strongly encouraged to attend. The agenda includes the election of a new student representative, having a conversation about future student-led off-year workshops, and providing a forum for students to raise issues or concerns.
Monday Session III
III.1. Human Embodiment and Cultural Evolution
Monday/15:30-17:30 Boatsheds Chair: Linnda R. Caporael
Towards an Embodied-Developmental Account of Cultural Evolution
William Wimsatt
Human Embodiment: Individuals and Groups
Linnda R. Caporael
How Not to Get Your Knickers in a Knot: Cultural Enskillment beyond the Brain
Emily Schultz
Earthrise, or the Globalization of the World Picture
Benjamin Lazier
III.2. Extending the Boundaries of Development
Riverview Chair: Thomas Pradeu
A Mixed Self. The Role of Symbiosis in Development.
Thomas Pradeu
On Compound Individuality as a Norm for Biological Organisms
Richard Burian
How Heredity ws Severed from Development, and How the Wound may Heal
Roy Amundson
Development, ageing, and stem cells
Michel Morange
III.3. Mechanisms of Cognitive Neurobiology
Monday/15:30-17:30 Kyle Chair: Sarah Robins
Rats! The Endless Debate over Cooper and Zubek’s (1958) Maze-Learning Study
James Tabery
Two Ways to Break it Down: The Relation Between Functional and Constitutive Decomposition in the Search for Neurocognitive Mechanisms
Sarah Robins
Face recognition: neural mechanisms and the ontogeny of expertise from a philosophical point of view
Denis Forest
Are the Levels of Cognitive Neurobiology Continuous?
Carl Craver
III.4. Fitness and Heritability
Seminar 1 Chair: Peter T akacs
From Heritability to Probability
Omri Tal
Does the propensity interpretation of fitness need propensities?
Isabelle Drouet, Francesca Merlin
“Can Biological Fitness Be Etiologically Inert and Explanatorily Efficacious?”
Peter Takacs
III.5. Critical Issues in 20th Century Genetics
Seminar 2 Chair: Karen Frost-Arnold
The Epistemic Value of Trust in the Drosophilist Community
Karen Frost-Arnold
Biometry and Mendelism: A Philosophical Controversy
Charles Pence
Rogues and Purity in British Genetics, 1890-1914
Berris Charnley
Isolation in integration: Retracing McClintock's geneology in the History of Genetics.
Jung Sung Uk
III.6. The Challenges of Scientific Biography
Kings College Chapel Chair: Michael Dietrich
The Helical Biography
Oren Harman
Who would “qualify” to write a scientific biography?
Tomoko Steen
Is this a biography? The history of ideas and the history of individuals
Mark Borrello
Scientific Biography and the Question of Vindication
Michael Dietrich
Monday Session IV
Roundtable: Quo Vadis ISH?
Monday/18:00-19:30 Riverview Chair: Manfred Laubichler
The discussion in this roundable will consider future directions for ISHPSSB.
19:30 Dining Hall
V.1. Aimless Models: Biologists' Use of Non-Target-Directed Models in Theorizing
Tuesday, 14 July |
Tuesday Session V |
Boatsheds Chair: Michael Weisberg
Models, Metaphors, and Fitness Landscapes
Brett Calcott
From Non-comittal Models to Explanatory ones: Skyrms et al on the Evolution of Justice
Arnon Levy
Three-Sex Mating (and other biological models without targets)
Michael Weisberg
V.2. Darwinian Sociocultural Evolution, I: Beyond the Modern Synthesis
Riverview Chair: Marion Blute
Darwinian Sociocultural Evolution: Evolutionary Solutions to Theoretical Dilemmas in Cultural and Social Theory
Marion Blute
Reproduction, development, and modes of cultural evolution
Joeri Witteveen
The Pleasures and Perils of Darwinizing Culture (with phylogenies)
Russell Gray
V.3. The Manipulated Mechanism and its Discontents: Problems of Discovery, Modularity, Causation and Explanation
Tuesday/9:00-10:30 Kyle Chair: Don Goodman-Wilson
Modularity and Mechanism and Hodgkin and Huxley: Philosophical Insights from the Voltage Clamp
Don Goodman-Wilson
Break the Toaster: Manipulationist Descriptions of Mechanisms
Juan Montaña
Mechanisms and Downward Causation
Max Kistler
V.4. Issues in Explanation, Models, and Data Collection in Biology Tuesday/9:00-10:30 Seminar 1 Chair: Marta Halina
Formalism and Functionalism in Darwin's Theory of Descent with Modification
Juan Carlos Zamora
Research through the modification of false models: Discovering aflatoxin toxicity
Marta Halina
Re-Using Data, Re-Thinking Organisms: The Epistemic Impact of Databases on Model Organism Biology
Sabina Leonelli, Rachel Ankeny
V.5. Darwin and Philosophy
Seminar 2 Chair: Martin Black
Karl Popper, Charles Darwin and the Most Impressive 19th century Evolutionary Philosopher
Michael Bradie
Merleau-Ponty and Darwin: Retrospective Teleology in Art and Nature
Susan O'Shaughnessy
Teleology in Plato, Aristotle, and Darwin
Martin Black
V.6. Naturalizing the Normative in Nature, I: The Place of Teleology and Normativity in Biology
Coffee break
Tuesday Session VI
Kings College Chapel Chair: Dan Nicholson
It’s the Teleology, Stupid! How to Get Started with Biology
Georg Toepfer
The Normative Nexus and the Nature of Functional Stability
James Barham
Natural Sources of Normativity
Wayne Christensen
Wickham Terrace
VI.1. Trends in the History of 20th Century Genetics
Chair: Luis Campos
Life by Design: ‘Genetic Engineering’ From the Experimental Garden to Synthetic Biology
Luis Campos
Genetic drift is not a fiction
Ryota Morimoto
Sewall Wright’s analysis of the distribution of flower color in Linanthus parryae, 1941– 1978
Yoichi Ishida
VI.2. Darwinian Sociocultural Evolution, II: Beyond the Modern Synthesis
Riverview Chair: Maria Kronfeldner
The evolution of social learning by imitation
Paulo Abrantes
The Role of Organic Selection in Social and Cultural Evolution
Thomas Johnson
Won’t you please unite? On Darwinism, grand theory and the disciplinary structure of science
Maria Kronfeldner
VI.3. Digital Dissemination Roundtable
Tuesday/11:00-12:30 Kyle Chair: Jane Maienschein
Digital Dissemination Roundtable
Jane Maienschein
VI.4. Evolution in History Tuesday/11:00-12:30
VI.5. Science and the Tuesday/11:00-12:30
VI.6. Naturalizing the Tuesday/11:00-12:30
Lunch break
Council Meeting I
Tuesday Session VII
Seminar 1 Chair: Margaret Schabas
The Unusual Relationship between Intelligent Design and Evolution; or Are Intelligent Design and Evolutionary Theory Kissing Cousins?
Daniel Deen
The Evolutionary Context of Hume's Political Economy
Margaret Schabas
First and Last Lamarckians? Erasmus and Charles Darwin
Christopher Smith
Seminar 2 Chair: Alexandra Mareschal
The emergence and narratives of public voices and coastal/landscape guardian groups in the ‘industrialisation’ of the landscape under the impact of wind farms: towards inclusion or placation?
Richard Hindmarsh
The Interaction of Marine Conservation and Human Poverty in the Philippines
Alexandra Mareschal
Constructing Citizen Scientists in Seattle: The Pacific Science Center’s Effort to Promote the Public Understanding of Science in the 1960s
Erik Ellis
Normative in Nature, II: Historical Perspectives on the Naturalization of Teleology Kings College Chapel Chair: Lenny Moss
The Lenoir Thesis Revisited
John Zammito
Hegel's Notion of Nature's Purpose
Francesca Michelini
Moving Behind Schrödinger: How Was Teleology Eliminated in Early Molecular Biology?
Phillip R. Sloan
Dining Hall
Davies Room
VII.1. Species and Taxonomy
Chair: Gal Kober
No Classes, No Individuals, No Species: The Dissolution of 'The Species Problem'
Gal Kober
The Levels of Lineage Problem
Matt Haber
Pattern or Phylogenetic Cladism?: A Reexamination
Christopher Pearson
"A statement of taxonomic ignorance": the Burgess Shale and the meaning of phyla
Keynyn Brysse
VII.2. The Genial Gene: Author Meets Critics
Tuesday/15:30-17:30 Riverview Chair: Angela Potochnik
Sex, selection, and history
Erika Milam
Differentiating natural selection, sexual selection, and social selection
Roberta Millstein
A dispute over the basics of nature
Angela Potochnik
VII.3. Values in Environmental Science and Policy
Tuesday/15:30-17:30 Kyle Chair: Kevin Elliott and James Justus
The Status of the Fact-Value Distinction in the Teleological Sciences
James Justus
The Ethical Significance of Language in the Environmental Sciences
Kevin Elliott
The Natural Environment is Valuable, But Not Infinitely Valuable
Mark Colyvan
Discounting, Growth, Uncertainty and Environmental Decisions
Fabien Medvecky
VII.4. History of Developmental Biology and Genetics
Seminar 1 Chair: Grant Yamashita
Integrated physiological, developmental, and genetic concerns in Richard Goldschmidt’s macroevolutionary thinking
Dennis Pozega
Beyond Embryology: The Foundations and Evolution of Developmental Biology in the Mid-Twentieth Century
Nathan Crowe
Richard Owen and a theory of heredity: what happened?
Grant Yamashita
Edward Stuart Russell's Organismal Philosophy of Biology
Kelly Hamilton
VII.5. New Directions in the Philosophy of Biology
Seminar 2 Chair: Corinne Bloch
Apes at Evensong? Some Scepticism about Kitcher's Plans for Living with Darwin Dominic Murphy
Biological "Information": A Metaphor Run Amok
Kent Van Cleave
Classification and Identification in Science: The Roles of Definitions
Corinne Bloch
What exactly is a theoretical synthesis? Integrating theories in the life sciences.
Tilmann Massey
VII.6. Darwinism, Genetics, and Medicine in Society
Kings College Chapel Chair: Ana Barahona
Images of Women in Early Genetics
Marsha Richmond
The introduction of Darwinism in Mexico in the late 19th Century.
Ana Barahona
The Locus of Culture in the Making Knowledge of Racial Differences: A Case of Ethno- psychopharmacology in Asian-Pacific Region
Sungwoo Ahn
Sterilization Program in California and its relation with Semen Banks
Alicia Villela G.
Coffee break
Tuesday Session VIII
VIII.1. Biology and Ethics Tuesday/18:00-19:30
Wickham Terrace
Boatsheds Chair: Elizabeth O'Neill
Human Dignity and Problematic Bodies – A Return of the Social Darwinism?
Anna M. Tapola
Constructing ethical systems from evolutionary theory during the modern synthesis: An examination of the work of Julian Huxley and C.H. Waddington
Elizabeth O'Neill
Is it time for a relativist turn in ethics?
Katinka Quintelier
VIII.2. How to Really Talk about Cognition across Phyla
Riverview Chair: Pamela Lyon
The great successes in molecular biology of the last half century were enabled in part by the Darwinian assumption of a certain degree of continuity among living things as a result of evolution. Research on model organisms as simple as bacteria and yeast has provided much of what we know about most core biological processes and functions (e.g., inheritance, respiration, signal transduction, development, circadian timing). Genomic comparisons of hundreds of organisms as different as worms and humans suggest that many biological mechanisms, including those underlying information processing, are highly conserved. Yet when it comes to describing cognitive capacities comparison across phyla gets tricky very quickly. Scare quotes and really enter discourse in ways that they don't in discussions of other biological functions. Is bacterial ‘memory’ really memory? Do amoeba really ‘communicate’ when they aggregate to form fruiting bodies, or is that just a way of talking? Do male guppies really ‘evaluate’ the competition when they ‘observe’ contests before challenging? Do chimps really ‘empathize’ with injured conspecifics? The roundtable participants are collaborators in a multidisciplinary project (Foundations for a Cognitive Biology, DP0880559) that seeks to develop a basic conceptual toolkit for describing cognitive phenomena across phyla. The issues to be addressed in the session are:
• simple obstacles to recognizing structural similarity
• structure and mechanism (not just function) in cognitive explanation • integrating explanation across multiple levels
• the importance of ‘basic behaviour’ to understanding cognition
• developmental plasticity and the cognitive toolkit
• conceptual primitives as an entry point
VIII.3. Close Analysis of Darwin's Theory
Tuesday/18:00-19:30 Kyle Chair: Leonore Miller
The Many Interpretations of Darwin’s Principle of Divergence: How Darwin Went Wrong
Leonore Miller
Darwin the Poststructuralist? A Non-Modern and Intradisciplinary Perspective on Reading/Writing Matter/Meaning in Origin of Species
Fiona Druitt
Darwin’s theory of emotion and the impact of his legacy in neuroscience.
Ximena Gonzalez-Grandón, Carlos Viesca-Treviño
VIII.4. Philosophical Issues in Evolutionary Biology
Tuesday/18:00-19:30 Seminar 1 Chair: Joshua Filler
Newtonian Forces and Evolutionary Biology
Joshua Filler
Extrapolation in biology
Megan Delehanty
VIII.5. Understanding Evolutionary Patterns and Biological Discovery
Seminar 2 Chair: Ralph Schroeder
Macro-Patterns and Micro-theory: What would it take to show an explanatory gap?
Stefan Linquist
Community-Driven Discovery in Biology
Lucy Power, Ralph Schroeder, Eric Meyer
Survey on Organizational Culture and Innovation
Akram Hadizadeh, Marjan Farajian, Rohollah Alikhan Gorgani
VIII.6. Naturalizing the Normative in Nature, III: The Relation between Mechanism and Teleology Tuesday/18:00-19:30 Kings College Chapel Chair: John Zammito
Mechanism, Emergence and Miscibility
Denis Walsh
The Concept of Mechanism in Biology
Dan Nicholson
But What is the Mechanism?: Teleology, Detachment and Explanation Beyond the Confusions of ‘The New Mechanistic Philosophy’.
Lenny Moss, Dan Nicholson
19:30 Dining Hall
Workshop. Future Perspectives for Graduate Students and Post-Docs
Tuesday/20:30 Kyle Chair: Manfred Laubichler
An open workshop for faculty, graduate students, and post-docs on the status of HPSSB in 2009 and career opportunities in the future.
Workshop. Heterogeneity and Heritability: Responses from Sociology, Philosophy, and History of Biology
Riverview Chair: Peter Taylor
There is long and politically charged history of scientific and policy debates about the heritability of IQ test scores and genetic explanations of the differences between the mean scores for racial groups. In a series of papers, Peter Taylor argues that, despite the attention given to these debates by researchers and other critical commentators, including science studies scholars, significant conceptual and methodological issues in quantitative and behavioral genetics have been overlooked or not well appreciated. In particular, when similar responses of different genetically defined types are observed, it should not be assumed that similar conjunctions of genetic or environmental factors have been involved in producing those responses. Allowing for the possibility of heterogeneity of factors opens up many issues for the different fields in science studies. An overview of the arguments about heritability and heterogeneity and of the issues above is presented in Taylor, P. J. (2008) "The under-recognized implications of heterogeneity: Opportunities for fresh views on scientific, philosophical, and social debates about heritability," History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences, 30(3-4), in press. This session takes the form of a dialogue process in which participants respond to the arguments and issues raised in the paper above (available via and explore their implications for their own inquiries. The dialogue is preceded by a 7-minute presentation by Taylor to sketch the issues and an introduction to the guidelines for a dialogue process. After that, anyone who indicates that they want a turn to contribute has a chance to join the dialogue. The timing allows for input from afar by internet-mediated conference call (see; 8:45pm Australian EST =10.45am GMT = 6.45am US EST) by phone or Skype. For more details, see:
Wednesday, 15 July |
Wednesday Session IX |
IX.1. Systems Biology and Artificial Life
Boatsheds Chair: Pierre-Alain Braillard
Systems biology: towards a new theoretical biology?
Pierre-Alain Braillard
Immersive Worlds and Artificial Life
Iliana Hernández
A Husserlian Critique of the Formalization of Nature in Systems Biology
Constantinos Mekios
IX.2. Nurture Goes Molecular, I: Epigenetic Mechanisms and the Innate/Acquired Distinction
Riverview Chair: Karola Stotz
Transgenerational Epigenetic Effects
Emma Whitelaw
Developmental epigenetics and human health: implications for concepts of innateness, nature and nurture
Peter Gluckman
What if the genome is meta-stable?
Ehud Lamm
IX.3. Museum-Based Field Natural History and Biological Phenomena Wednesday/9:00-10:30 Kyle Chair: Kristin Johnson
Ordering the Diversity of Naturalists: the foundation of the International Congresses of Entomology
Kristin Johnson
Are We There Yet? or, the Problem of Locality in Biodiversity Resurveys
James Griesemer, Ayelet Shavit
Weird Science: The Platypus as Problem in the History of Biology
Joanna Radin
IX.4. Adaptation, Constraint, and Functional Design
Seminar 1 Chair: Roger Samson
“The lung and the moth”: A contextual dissection of functional design in biology
Luis Ramírez Trejo
Why Don't Zebras Have Machine Guns? Adaptation, Selection, and Constraints in Evolutionary Theory
Timothy Shanahan
Selection and constraint in evolutionary change: a case study on crossbills.
Roger Sansom, Pim Edelaar
IX.5. Human Evolution, Psychology, and Culture
Seminar 2 Chair: Alkistis Elliott-Graves
Why early humans did not think deductively.
Alkistis Elliott-Graves
Evolutionary Psychologists Don't Practise What They Preach
Justine Kingsbury
Tinbergen’s Four Questions, Culture, and Evolutionary Human Sciences
Tomi Kokkonen
IX.6. Wrangling with the Umwelt: Every Body Has To Do It
Coffee break
Wednesday Session X
Kings College Chapel Chair: Pamela Lyon
The Umwelt of a bacterial predator: Myxococcus xanthus
Pamela Lyon
Representing a world
Jon Opie
How Sphex broke out of its loop (while some humans are still at it)
Fred Keijzer
Colin Allen
Wickham Terrace
X.1. Thus From the War of Nature: Caprice, Contingency and the Dreadfulness of It All
Boatsheds Chair: John Beatty
Not His Caprice, But Hers: Absolving God, Condemning Nature?
John Beatty
The Dark Side of Darwinism: Caprice, Deceit, Degeneration
Staffan Müller-Wille
“Monkeys into Men and Men into Monkeys: Caprice and Contingency in Charles Kingsley’s Water Babies”
Piers Hale
X.2. Nurture Goes Molecular, II: Epigenetic Mechanisms and the Innate/Acquired Distinction
Riverview Chair: Paul Griffiths
Bacterial Epigenetics and the Developmental Niche
John Dupré
Parental Effects in Development and Evolution
Tobias Uller, Alexander Badyaev
Epigenetics, Parental Effects, and Ontogenetic Niche Construction: A Philosophical Analysis of Extended Inheritance
Karola Stotz
X.3. Rethinking Vitalism: Case Studies from the History and Philosophy of Medicine Wednesday/11:00-12:30 Kyle Chair: Charles T. Wolfe
“Accompanied by Psychosomatic Jitters”: Vitalism, History and Psychiatric Disorders
Sean Dyde
Old Bones: The vitalist turn in orthopaedic explanations
Chris Degeling
The Return of Vitalism: Canguilhem and French Biophilosophy in the 1960s
Charles Wolfe
X.4. Developmental Systems and Generative Entrenchment
Seminar 1 Chair: Jacob Stegenga
Generative Entrenchment: (Semi-)(Un-)Layered (Inter-)(In-)Dependencies
Jacob Stegenga
Developmental Systems Theory and its Discontents: O-E Interaction, Constraints, and Macroevolution
Trevor Pearce
Taking Construction Seriously: Re-rethinking Inheritance, Development, and Evolution
Gregory Mengel
X.5. Theoretical Biology and Artificial Life
Seminar 2 Chair: Owen Woodberry
Punctuated Equilibrium in an ALife speciation simulation
Owen Woodberry, Kevin Korb, Ann Nicholson
Quantum Indeterminism and Microevolution
Benjamin Jantzen
Prebiotic Chemical Evolution
Christophe Malaterre
X.6. Biology of Man: Race, Sex, and the State
Kings College Chapel Chair: Sheila Weiss
Otmar Freiherr von Verschuer and the Symbiosis of Human Heredity and Politics During the Adenauer Era
Sheila Weiss
Herbert Spencer’s Institutional Influence on French Imperialism: L’Armée Coloniale and La force noire, 1880-1920
Joe Lunn
Sciences of Sex in Interwar Europe: Contesting Nature-State Relations and Boundaries
Jason Byron
Life in Motion: Sex, Truth, and Their Transformations in China
Howard H. Chiang
Dining Hall
Lunch break
Wednesday Session XI
XI.1. Ecology, Belief and Environmental Policy: Finding Ways Forward in the Atomic Age
Wednesday, 15:30-17:30
Boatsheds Chair: Garland Allen
The Path to the Endangered Species Act
Johnny Winston
Ecumenism, Ecology, and “Ecological Theology”: The Case of the World Council of Churches, 1961-1979
David Steffes
The Phreatophyte Subcommittee: Science, bureaucracy and scapegoating
Matt Chew
Essentializing Invasion
Nathan Smith
XI.2. Representing the History of Life by Trees: Scientific, Historical and Philosophical Issues
Riverview Chair: Richard Burian
Trees and networks before and after Darwin
Mark Ragan
Philosophy of Biology, Ernst Mayr, and the Tree of Life
Maureen O'Malley
Trees, Trellises, and the Garden of Eden
Lisa Gannett
On Arguments Over The Tree of Life
Robert A. Wilson
XI.3. Economical Concepts, Evolutionary Biology, and Adaptive Rationality: Exploring the Interplay Wednesday/15:30-17:30 Kyle Chair: Philippe Huneman
Model pluralism, concepts-pluralism and process-pluralism in the study of cooperation
Philippe Huneman
Evolutionary economics: what relationship with evolutinary biology
Jean Gayon
Invisible hand and the tragic commons in evolutionary theory
Johannes Martens
Adaptive Rationality: An evolutionary perspective on cognitive bias
Andreas Wilke, Martie Haselton, Christophe Heintz
XI.4. Mechanisms and Mechanistic Explanations
Seminar 1 Chair: Dan Brooks
Concerting mechanisms: Unifying explanations of male homosexuality
Fabrizzio McManus
The "New Mechanism" as an Interface for Evolutionary and Constitutive Explanation
Dan Brooks
Mechanism and Natural Selection
Joyce Havstad
Non-explanatory biological mechanisms
Ulrich Krohs
XI.5. Biological Theory and Conceptual Power: Studies in Scientific Practice
Seminar 2 Chair: Kevin Amidon
Weismann’s Theoretical Biology and the Debate over Legitimate Scientific Practice, 1850-1900
Lukas Rieppel
Switches and batteries: two models of gene regulation and historiographical myths
Vivette Garcia, Edna Suarez
Styles of Scientific Reasoning in Cybernetics and the Sciences of Brain and Mind
Tara Abraham
The biophysics of the developing embryo: a new challenge in theoretical integration.
Laura Nuño de la Rosa
XI.6. Conceptual Issues in Evo-Devo
Kings College Chapel Chair: Ellen Clarke
How different types of modularity affect evolvability during evolutionary transitions in individuality
Ellen Clarke
Behavior, a Neglected Component of Evolutionary Transitions.
Michael Trestman
Evincing Baupläne: Why Body Plans are Real and Why We Should Care
Mark Ulett
Steps towards an ecoevodevo synthesis—and beyond?
Peter Taylor
Wickham Terrace
Coffee break
ISHPSSB Members Meeting
18:00-19:30 Riverview
All Invited
Conference Banquet
19:30 Hillstone Country Club
Reservation required.
XII.1. Theoretical Biology and Biosemiotics
Thursday, 16 July |
Thursday Session XII |
Boatsheds Chair: Ruth Emilia Garcia Chico
"Physical Space in Biological Molecules"
José Luis González Recio, Ruth García Chico
Levins’ Strategy of Model Building, Loop Analysis and Ecological Mechanisms
Viorel Pâslaru
Mood and tense in the language of the genes
Brant Pridmore
Biosemiotics must be grounded in an organizational approach to functionality
John Collier
XII.2. The Evolution of the Capacity of Culture, I
Riverview Chair: Ben Jeffares
Apprentice Learning and Human Evolution
Kim Sterelny
The Evolution of Cultural Diversity
James Maclaurin
The Evolution of Technical Competence
Ben Jeffares
XII.3. Themes in the History of Molecular Biology and Immunology Thursday/9:00-10:30 Kyle Chair: Neeraja Sankaran
Rosalind Franklin and the DNA Double-Helix: Historiographical Interpretations
Marcos Rodrigues da Silva
The Bacteriophage, Its Role in Immunology: The impact of Frank Macfarlane Burnet’s Early Research on Phages on the Development of His Scientific Style.
Neeraja Sankaran
Models and the History of the Biological Studies of Aging
Maria Strecht Almeida, Miguel Gomes, Susana Lopes
Peter Brian Medawar and the Making of Immunological Tolerance
Hyung Wook Park
XII.4. Topics in Conservation Biology
Seminar 1 Chair: Christopher Eliot
A Value Free Framework for Conservation Biology.
Clement Loo
Stability and normality in biodiversity conservation
Julien Delord
Do ecological communities need to exist?
Christopher Eliot
XII.5. Historical Issues in Twentieth Century Biology
Thursday/9:00-10:30 Seminar 2 Chair: Christina Brandt
When Style Matters: The Controversy between A. Weismann and T. H. Morgan on Regenerative Phenomena
Maurizio Esposito
The metaphor of "nuclear reprogramming': 1960s and early 1970s cloning research
Christina Brandt
Imperial Ornithology: Hunting, Natural History, and Japanese Empire Building
Coffee break
Thursday Session XIII
Akihisa Setoguchi
Wickham Terrace
XIII.1. Realist and Functionalist Issues in Biology, II
Chair: Michael Devitt
Natural Kinds and Biological Realisms
Michael Devitt
The Speciation of Species
Eric Oberheim
Reconsidering individuality
Senji Tanaka
In Search for a Temporal Ontology for Biology: Philosophical Considerations on Applying Discrete and Continuous Time-Series for Grounding Biological Processes Luciana Garbayo
XIII.2. The Evolution of the Capacity for Culture, II
Riverview Chair: Kim Sterelny
Pointing the finger. Ostensive definition: the missing link in language evolution.
Fiona Cowie
Behavioural evolution: The problem of many kinds of minds
Rachael Brown
The Relevance of Track-ways Reading to the Co-evolution of Human Cognition and Culture
Kim Shaw-Williams
Culturally-Mediated Social Selection: A Revolutionary Evolutionary Transition?
William Catton
XIII.3. Thinking Formally About Evolutionary Change: Detection and Ontology Thursday/11:00-12:30 Kyle Chair: Patrick Forber
Detecting the signature of selection
Patrick Forber
Evolutionary nominalism
Peter Godfrey-Smith
Is it just hype? Measuring and predicting cultural evolution online
Kenneth Reisman
XIII.4. Topics in the History of Ecology
Thursday/11:00-12:30 Seminar 1 Chair: Brad Wilson
Mechanisms in Evolution and Ecology
Bradley Wilson
Rousseau’s Anthropocentricism versus Evolution
Jeu Jenq Yuann
XIII.5. The Developmental Synthesis
Lunch break
Council Meeting II
Seminar 2 Chair: Lindsay Craig
The Structure of the Developmental Synthesis
Lindsay Craig
Neo-Darwinism and sociobiology in the postgenomic era
Laurence Perbal
Developmental Explanations of Evolution: a Challenge to Neo-Darwinism?
Stavros Ioannidis
Dining Hall
Davies Room