In light of the many exceptional interdisciplinary sessions, this year’s Adjudication Committee decided to also make an Honorable mention for the session The forgotten kingdom: Lessons from the history and philosophy of plant biology. This session’s participants were Bendik Hellem Aaby, Jan Baedke, Caterina Schürch, Jalal Soltani, Sonia Sultan, and Özlem Yilmaz.

We are pleased to announce that the recipient of the 2023 Interdisciplinary Organized Session Prize was the session Biological sex: Explanans and explananda. The participants of the winning session were Marina DiMarco, Kyra Hoerr, and Aja Watkins.

Probing historical, philosophical, and social dimensions of research on (or relying on the notion of) biological sex, this session embodied the ISHPSSB ideal of cohesive and transformative interdisciplinarity. The diverse presentations ranged from sex development at the cellular level to women’s health policies advocating sex-specific dosing for pharmaceuticals and the biological coherence and need for the very notion of ‘sex’. The session featured junior scholars who had engaged in collaborative research, and concluded with very lively, engaging, and critical discussion.

We thank our Adjudication Committee, consisting of Yin Chung Au, Ingo Brigandt, Vivette García Deister, Maria Elice de Brzezinski Prestes, Siobhan Guerrero Mc Manus, Abigail Nieves Delgado, and Sophie Veigl.

Ingo Brigandt and Vivette García Deister,
Co-Chairs of the 2023 Interdisciplinary Organized Session Prize Committee