Marjorie Grene
Marjorie Grene (1910–2009) in 2003.
photo courtesy of Virginia Tech

The Marjorie Grene Prize is intended to advance the careers of younger scholars. It is awarded every two years for the best manuscript based on a presentation at one of the two previous ISHPSSB meetings by someone who was, at the time of presentation, a graduate student.

It is very appropriate for ISHPSSB to name this prize in Marjorie Grene’s  honor. Not only does her work in the history and philosophy of biology exemplify the strong spirit of interdisciplinary work fundamental to the ISHPSSB, but she played a central role in bringing together diverse scholars of biology even before the formation of the Society. She has been a valued mentor to many members of the Society and a long-standing inspiration to all.

The award consists of a certificate and an award of US$500, as well as a permanent record of the award on a plaque which circulates every two years to the current winner(s).


For the available prize citations, click on the name of the recipient.

YearWinner(s)Presentation title(s)
2023 Adrian Stencel, Javier Suarez, and Sophie Veigl Rethinking Hereditary Relations: The Reconstitutor as the Evolutionary Unit of Heredity
2021 Kate Nicole Hoffmann
Ariel Jonathan Roffé
Subjective Experience in Explanations of Animal PTSD Behaviour
and (respectively)
Dynamic Homology and Circularity in Cladistic Analysis
2019 Rick Morris Stranger in a strange land: An optimal-environments account of evolutionary mismatch
2017 Emily C. Parke Experiments, Simulations, and Epistemic Privilege
2015 Jun Otsuka Using Causal Models to Integrate Proximate and Ultimate Causation
2013 John Matthewson
Lukas Rieppel

Evolving Populations,
and (respectively)
Bringing Dinosaurs Back to Life: Exhibiting prehistory at the American Museum of Natural History.

2011 Angela Potochnik Explanatory Independence and Epistemic Interdependence: A case study of the optimality approach.
2009 Lisa Onaga Toyama Kametaro and Vernon Kellogg: Silkworm inheritance experiments in Japan, Siam, and California, 1900–1912.
2007 Sabina Leonelli Performing Abstraction: Two ways of modelling Arabidopsis thaliana.
2005 Tania Munz The Bee Battles: Karl von Frisch, Adrian Wenner and the honey bee dance language controversy.
2003 Kevin Elliott Error as a means to discovery.
2001 Rasmus Winter August Weismann on germ-plasm variation.
1997 Judy Johns Schloegel Biology as Biography and Biography of Biology: Intimacy, subjectivity, and “understanding” in the experimental work of H. S. Jennings, Tracy Sonneborn, and Paramecium aurelia.