Regular membership Subscription

Please complete the information below to process ISHPSSB Regular membership.


Payments are processed through PayPal, so credit and debit cards from all over the world are accepted. There is no need to use a PayPal account: See here for guidance on using cards and avoiding PayPal signup.

However, if you need to pay by other means (e.g., check or wire transfer, Zelle or, ... ), please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. beforehand for the banking details. They will activate your subscription manually after verifying the money transfer.

Existing members

For existing members (both active and expired), please log in with your username (usually different from your email) to retrieve your account details; for prospective members, please fill in all the data.

To use the “Password forgotten?” reset you must still have access to the email account used; if not, contact the webadmin at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. so your email gets updated (and your subscription history and profile settings preserved). Similarly use the “Username forgotten?” option if you don't remember it and you've tried your email address.

Also contact the webadmin if you have been a member, but are unsure of under what email address you used, or if you have been a member but the system doesn't seem to know you (then we can attempt to retrieve your membership history).

Students and Emeriti

If you are signing up for Student or Emeritus membership, please give some proof of that status, so we can process your application.

Existing user? Please login

New User? Please register

Account Information


Donate to the ISHPSSB

The ISHPSSB would be very grateful for your generous donations: After choosing the amount, you can pick toward which fund your donation goes.

Member interests

The ISHPSSB is considering if we should make an online directory of members. Such a list would either be private (visible only to current ISHPSSB members) or public (visible to everybody). In the list would be: your name, affiliation (=department, institute, country), chosen webpage, and topics/keywords.

To that end, we are collecting this info here, including your consent for appearing in such list or not. You can change your preference at any time by editing your Profile.

Springer offers the following journals at a discount to ISHPSSB members; check the membership page for details. To take up this offer, tick one or more journals and fill in your delivery address, then Springer Publishing will contact and eventually bill you:

Your comment if helpful

Payment Information


Please use the default PayPal payment option, for both credit and debit cards from all over the world, as well as PayPal. See the top of this page for help, or here.

Please only use the offline/check payment option, after agreement with the Treasurer. They will give you the details for a check or wire transfer (e.g. Zelle,, ...).

On becoming a Member and agreeing to the Privacy Policy, you agree to this web site storing your information. You will also receive about 3–4 membership emails per year (e.g., Fall and Spring newsletters, and your election ballots every two years).

Please click the hyperlinked document for full policy details.