For each election, a person shall stand for no more than one office.

Proposed paper acceptance guidelines should be presented to the membership for discussion at the Business Meeting on Friday, July 17, 2003.

The following were accepted as suggestions for contributors to be included in the Call for Papers and the Meeting Program:

  1. The Program Officer, in consultation with the Program Committee, and consistent with site constraints, will organize a rich, diverse, and quality program.
  2. Each session must have a minimum of three presenters.
  3. Topics that extend over two sessions are acceptable, but they cannot extend over more than two sessions.

The Grene Prize award will include a cash prize of $500 over and above any travel support, if budget allows.

The issue of regional representation will be investigated before the 2005 meeting.

The ISHPSSB Council has approved the formation of two new committees: the Student Advisory Committee and the Membership Development Committee
The general membership requests the president to produce semi-annual reports of completed council and executive tasks and plans for tasks ahead. These reports shall be disseminated through the listserv and the newsletters.

The Society will sponsor workshops in even-numbered years on an ad hoc basis. It was agreed that these workshops must be thematic in nature, which will distinguish them from the regular ISHPSSB meetings. The Off-Year Workshop Committee developed guidelines for applications and an approval process. The Society does not provide funding, but it will provide the Society’s mailing list of members and publicity about the workshop through the Society’s email list and web page.

This meeting approves the principle of favoring applicants from isolated institutions, regions and countries over US ones and that the council be charged to work out the mechanics, taking into account the guide lines of other societies.
It was moved that the council be asked to (1) pursue increasing dues by $10 per year for student travel, (2) set a goal of $10,000 or more for student travel awards, and (3) vigorously pursue a drive for additional member contributions and other sources for student travel funds.

The following changes to the bylaws were approved: The new text is in italics; deleted text is in brackets.

  • ARTICLE II, 5. ANNUAL MEETING. After the end add “The annual meeting of the Members may decide not to hold an annual meeting in the following year if a conference of the Society is not to be held that year.” At the moment, we violate our by-laws in holding biennial general meetings.
  • ARTICLE II, 13. VOTING. “a mail ballot shall be sent to the entire Membership of the Society no more than [seventy (70)]one hundred (100) days prior to the Annual meeting.” This change would allow us to mail ballots with the spring newsletter prior to the conference.
  • ARTICLE III, 10. EXECUTIVE AND OTHER COMMITTEES. “The Nominating Committee shall consist of the immediate Past-President, who shall serve as its Chairperson, [and such other Directors or officers of the Corporation] at least one other Director or officer of the Corporation, and other Members of the Society as the President shall appoint, which appointees shall be approved by the Council. The Council, by resolution adopted by a majority of the Directors entitled to vote, may establish other committees as it shall deem advisable. The President shall appoint the Directors to serve on such committees, each of which shall consist of two (2) or more Directors and other Members of the Society.” These changes ensure that two members of any committee other than the executive are from the council, but the rest can be from the membership at large.
It was moved that the Society’s board of directors write a policy addressing the issue disability access for future meetings sites.