The Program Committee is chaired by the elected Program Officer. This committee is charged with organizing a rich, diverse, and high quality program for the Society's meeting. Among the duties of this committee are the following: issuing a Call For Papers, advertising the meeting and program deadlines, reviewing the forms for paper and panel submissions, coordinating the plenary session with the President, creating the meeting program, notifying participants of their acceptance on the program, coordinating the printing of the program, and publicizing any corrections to the program.

Relevant Bylaws

Article IV -- Officers

The Program Officer is responsible for the scholarly program of The Society, including all conferences and meetings. The Program Officer may have a program committee to assist in the work of preparation of the program at any meeting. The Program Officer shall serve for two years, without eligibility for re-election.

ISHPSSB 2003-2005 Paper Acceptance Guidelines

The following guidelines for paper acceptance have been provisionally approved by the Council and will hold for the 2005 meeting in Guelph:

ISHPSSB would like to encourage sessions that:

  1. combine more than one disciplinary perspective;
  2. include participants from more than one institution and/or nation;
  3. promote the interaction of junior and senior scholars, including students.

Other guidelines:

  1. The program officer, in consultation with the program committee, and consistent with site constraints, will organize a rich, diverse, and high quality program. While it is the intention of the Society to be as inclusive as possible, the program officer has the discretion to reject papers or sessions that are truly inappropriate for these meetings or that do not meet basic standards of communication. The program committee is available to assist the program officer in judging borderline cases.
  2. No one may present in more than one session. An exception is made for those who organize another session, comment in another session, or give a short plenary address. Individuals may serve more than one function in a given session, e.g. chair and presenter.
  3. Each regular session must have a minimum of three presenters.
  4. Topics that extend over two sessions are acceptable, but they cannot extend over more than two sessions.
  5. All accepted participants must pre-register for the conference in order to be included in the program.